I've also been working on this "house" project. I thought this one would go quickly because it's stitched on 11 count aida. But, it's a large design, and actually has a lot of stitches to it. I should have read the instructions more carefully before starting. It said to stitch in half cross stitches to make the work go faster. I wish I had read that before...but it's too late to change part way through.
I've also made a few mistakes on this one. The mistake is buried in the details, and no one will notice except me, so I haven't tried to unpick it and start over. But, it's strange how I get "bored" with a project after I've made a mistake I can't undo. I'm determined to finish this one though...no matter how long it takes! But, it might take a long while, as I keep doing small projects in between.
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