Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Random Tuesday Update

Canada's medal count is now 1 - 2 - 1. We added a silver medal in snowboarding. Wow! Did you see that race! It was so close! Very exciting! GO CANADA!

I'm finding it hard to do anything. I just want to sit back and watch Olympics for hours on end! Who ever thought I would be excited about curling!!

I found out this week, that my company's bonuses will be paid out at the end of the month. woohoo! Extra shopping money!

I'm in the process of organizing my office. Wow...what a job this has turned out to be. Paper and stuff everywhere. I spent an hour last night filing away bank statements, credit card statements and bills. And only put a dent in the stack of stuff I need to go through.

I've been using multi-focal contacts now for 2 weeks. I've had 3 appointments, and have tried countless combinations of strengths and powers on the contacts. It's a lot harder to get used to than I thought it would be. If you have the power too high to see close up, you lose the distance. The "in-between" stuff is working great. But the real close-up stuff, not so good. So, it turns out that I may have to keep wearing reading glasses for reading or cross-stitching. But, at least I can work, or craft without having to use my glasses.

My hip and back pain seems to have subsided for now. It was bad on the weekend, but this week has been a lot better. I haven't been to acupuncture for a week now, and it's been 2 weeks since I've seen the chiropractor. I hate to say I'm cured now, because I don't want to jinx myself. But, I am feeling a lot better.

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