Saturday, February 27, 2010

stories or urban myths?

Ever hear one of those urban myth type stories, and just aren't sure if they are real?
I heard a story on the news one day back in high school. It was a funny story, about a dead cat. At least, I thought it was funny. So, I relayed it to my friends, and told it at parties and social occasions over the years.
Well, it seems that a friend of mine told me the same story the other day. It differed slightly from the original I heard back in my teens. But, it scared me to think that I'm old enough for a story to go full circle, and make its way back to me. Is that how long it takes? 25 years for a story to be told and retold until it circles the globe and comes back to you? Scary!!
Anyways, here's my version of the story, as I remember it from when I was a teenager. And, yes, I originally heard it on the news on the radio...not from a friend of a friend.

One day, a man came home from work to find his dog pawing and playing with something black and fluffy. As he got closer, he realized with horror that this “something” was his neighbour's cat. And, it was now dead, and was covered in dirt and mud. Feeling sorry for the cat, he then thought of what his elderly neighbour was going to think when she found out her beloved cat had died such a horrible death. He quickly brought the cat inside to ponder over what to do. After a few agonizing minutes, he decided to clean the cat up. He gave it a bath in the sink, and got out all the mud and dirt. He then took the blow dryer, and dried its black hair so it was nice and fluffy. Later that night, he snuck over to the neighbour’s house, and arranged the cat on the front porch. His hope was that the neighbour would think that the cat fell asleep on the porch, and died peacefully in its sleep.
He awoke early the next morning hearing screams coming from his neighbour’s house. He threw on a robe, and dashed over there to see what was wrong. He found his neighbour screaming and pointing to the cat on the front porch. Apparently, she was very upset. She finally explained to him that yesterday morning she had found that the cat had passed away in the house. She had proceeded to take the cat outside and had buried it in a special place in her garden. And, now, less than 24 hours later, it was on her front porch all washed and cleaned!!!

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