Tuesday, April 20, 2010

more new antiques!

My Grandma, as you know, was diagnosed with cancer. I keep telling her she's going to live until she's 90, but she's determined to "clean up" her life before she goes. And that includes giving away her possessions to those people whom she wants to have them. It's hard to accept. But, it's what she wants, and you have to respect her wishes. Although, I keep telling her that she's going to give everything away, and in a few years (when she's still around, despite the cancer), she's going to have to ask for it back. She just laughed.

On the weekend, when we were over at her place visiting, she insisted I take a crystal bowl (that she got when she went to Sweden) and an old copper tub (which she made my husband climb into the crawl space to retrieve...spider webs and all).
She also had a dozen mismatched china cups and saucers, which she wanted to give 1/2 to my sister, and 1/2 to me. She had a bunch of other mugs too, but I only took the one mismatched china mug, so that she could give the rest of the mugs to my sister.
My favourite is the little blue one..
These items aren't worth much. But, they are priceless to me, and I will cherish them.

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