Saturday, April 17, 2010

weekend woes

On Thursday night, I decided to get out of the house for a bit, and go for a drive. I found a nice little park, near the water, and thought it would be a great place to start going for walks again to help myself lose weight. I didn't have my "walking" shoes on, but decided to lock up the car and walk towards the water just to see what the paths were like. I was gone 10 minutes.
That was enough time for someone to come along, break the window in my car, break the lock on the glove box, and reach in and steal my purse. Purse, wallet, ID, credit cards, everything gone.
I freaked. I raced home. I called the RCMP (like they are going to do anything!) And cancelled all my credit cards, debit cards, and put a warning on my credit report.
Then, I spent the rest of Thurs night, and all day Friday, putting my life back together and getting my car fixed. I have succesfully cancelled all my cards, and found that the culprits did get away with a $500 charge on my Visa, and a trip to the Chevron station. Hopefully I won't be responsible for paying those amounts. The other things have all been successfully cancelled within an hour of the cards being stolen. I have new debit cards on the way, and a new driver's license coming. I have a new pane of glass in my car, but need to go back to have the rest of the repairs done later next week.
I've spent the last few days freaking out, being worried, berating myself for even leaving my purse in the car even if it was locked up and I was only gone for a few minutes, and pissed off at the stupid idiots who did this. Overall, it's going to cost me about $400-$450 to replace everything (that includes a $300 deductible on the car insurance claim). And I currently don't have any credit cards, as I'm still waiting for the replacement cards. But, the hardest part to get over, is the stupidity of the whole situation. I thought I was only going to be gone for a few minutes, and it couldn't happen to me. How wrong I was. It's hard to think that they are just going to get away with it, and nothing will happen to them, and they'll likely do it again to others again and again.
Let this just be a warning to you all, to be diligent, and be careful, and be safe. Don't give a thief even a second of an opportunity to steal your stuff. It's not worth it.

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