Monday, May 3, 2010

weekend spending

After all the decluttering, reorganizing, and general cleaning...the two of us seem to be on somewhat of a spending spree lately.
We bought a new bubble cover for the pool. We ordered it last week, and picked it up on Saturday.
And, I told you we got a new bed for the spare room. Well, new bed means new bedding...

And then there is a trip to Michael's this weekend, in which I bought another Cricut cartridge. But before you freak out on me that I have too many was on sale! And, I've already used it to make a Mother's Day card for my mother-in-law (with whom we are having brunch with on Sunday).
But then, we also bought a new iPod docking station. If you recall, I got an iPod Touch for Christmas, and we've been looking for a docking station for a few months, but couldn't find anything we liked or that sounded good.
This one was at Future Shop for $139. But, they didn't have any left. So, we asked the girl to call around the city. She came back with nothing, but we could buy the floor model (complete with scratches, and stickers all over the top that looked like they wouldn't come off easily). We said, "No Thanks". I asked if they had the same thing at Best Buy, but she said, "No, they carry different products", so we left. Well, walking back to the truck, we decided to stop at Best Buy anyways. Low and behold, the same system, with one left in stock, for $149. I told the guy that we just passed up the floor model at Future Shop for $139, so he gave it to me for that price. It was only a $10 saving, but I LOVE a bargain, no matter how small.

We are blaming the HST for our current spending spree. Even though the upcoming implementation of the HST wouldn't have anything to do with the amount of taxes we paid on any of these items, we are still using it as our excuse.

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