Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday recap

Do you notice I don't blog much on the weekends? It seems that I'm always out and about on the weekends, and rarely get time to sit at the computer to blog about anything.

This weekend was a great example of that. I spent the better part of Saturday visiting with friends and relatives. I started the day by going to a "play-time" with my sister-in-law and my niece and nephew. It's a drop in program at the school, where for 1-1/2 hours, the kids get to run around the gym, playing with equipment, toys and each other, and the parents kick back on the sidelines and drink coffee and chit-chat. Although it was VERY NOISY!! Not exactly a relaxing way to spend the morning, but it was fun, and great to spend time with the kiddies, and catch up on all the family gossip.

I also spent time with my sister and her kids on Saturday. The oldest, is going on 13 now, and acting oh so much like a little grown up. She speaks to me, and the only thing I can think is "how did she get to know such big words?"

Then there was the shopping. I visited the Body Shop (one of my favourite stores). I had one product that I returned for a store credit. And everything was 40-50% off. So, all this...

...only cost me $5.46!

Then there was the trip to the garden shop. I decided I want to plant bulbs this year. So, after spending time chatting with the 'experts' at the store, and wandering around looking at all the pretty color options for daffodils, tulips, and other bulbs, we got this...

Now I'm just waiting for the rain to ease up a bit so I can plant my bulbs. The weather is supposed to clear up, and be sunny and dry for a couple of days this week. That's good. I don't like gardening in the mud!

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