Friday, September 17, 2010


I'm sad. I got some bad news today, about a friend (I'll call him JO)...a guy I used to work with. He passed away suddenly yesterday while on a trip to Tokyo with his mother. He was only 56.

We worked together for over 13 years, and I had a lot of respect for him. He was very knowledgeable about the business we were in, and he taught me a lot about that business and about working relationships. He was a great friend, and was extremely well liked by all that met him. I hadn't seen him much lately...a few times at luncheons, retirement parties, or funerals over the years.

The strange thing is that I had a dream last night about a woman that also worked with us. (I'll call her AV). She worked with us for many years, but passed away from cancer about 9 years ago. In my dream, she came to me, and was talking about someone who was dying. I couldn't quite hear what she was saying, so I thought that she was talking about my Grandma. In the dream, she said that "everything was going to be all right" and she hugged me, and smiled and walked away. I woke up shortly after that, but the dream stayed with me. I even made a point to go to Grandma's for lunch today, because I was worried about her.

But, when E called, and told me that JO had passed away, well then I knew what AV was trying to tell me. I guess JO is wherever AV is, and they are once again working together. I'm glad. And yet sad at the same time.

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