Another year, come and gone. Here's a recap of the months from Year 2010.
January -- With my hip and back still bothering me, I found myself going to chiropractor appointments, doctor visits, and acupuncture treatments for most of the month. Then, decided to try multi-focal contact lenses, so I had a few eye appointments too. It was also the warmest January on record!
February -- The month of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. The torch relay came by my house. We watched countless hours of Opening Ceremonies, events, awards ceremonies, and news coverage. The weather was warm and rainy for the first part of the games, turned sunny and mild for the second part, then went back to warm and rainy. It felt more like the Spring Olympics than the Winter Olympics. And "Olympics" was all anyone could talk about!
March -- I spent a lot of time with Grandma this month. She was diagnosed with lung cancer, and with my Mom & Dad away for the month, and my Aunt living in the States, I stepped up and helped Grandma out with doctor's visits, tests, and shopping. It meant taking a few days off of work, and spending a lot of my spare time with her, but I would do it again in a heartbeat.
April - I spent the month cleaning, purging, and organizing my house, and my life. When my purse was stolen on the 15th of the month, I ended up also purging, and organizing my financial life too.
May - At the beginning of the month, I had problems with my back again. As a result, I made a concerted effort to start to eat healthier and get more exercise. The weather was nice nearer the end of the month, so I planted the garden, and did a lot of work outside. Also, my neice's goldfish came to visit for a few months.
June - My boss called in sick for a couple of weeks, and then went on sick leave. I was asked to step in and act as Manager for the department for a time. This meant traveling to Victoria on a weekly basis. I felt like June was a complete loss, as I spent little time at home, and lots of time on ferries, and in hotel rooms. The good news though, I bought a new car!!!
July - A month of "finally's". We finally got some nice weather, which meant that I finally got to go swimming in our pool. I finally got to take a very much deserved week off of work. Work finally hired a temp replacement for the boss, and then when he left after a few weeks, hired another temp replacement. My brother and his family finally moved out of Mom & Dad's and into their new house. Hubby's Father (and his wife) finally came for a visit, after not having seem them for 4 years. And, I finally sold my old car!
August - the girls from Dallas came up for a visit, which meant another trip to Victoria. Horseback riding, and a sprained foot were the highlights of the trip.
September - Summer was over, and Fall arrived. I spent a lot of time in my garden, and even planted bulbs for the first time in my life. We'll see if they come up in the Spring when they are supposed to. Work was busy, and we spent a lot of time visiting with friends this month.
October - A co-worker from the 'old days' passed away... he was far too young, and it was a shock to a lot of us. But, the news made me reach out and reconnected with a lot of old friends this month. At the end of the month, I took a week off of work to celebrate my birthday, and decided to 'unplug' for 10 days (no Internet, no blogging, no computers, little to no T.V.) It was the most relaxing thing I've done in a long time.
November - Rainy days. Followed by record breaking cold. Followed by our first snow fall of the season. A little early for some folks, but I got new snow tires this year, so I was prepared. But, we weren't prepared for the news that my husband's Aunt had passed away. Her passing was sudden and unexpected, and took us by surprise.
December - The new boss started (finally!). Another trip to Victoria to meet him. And then I took my remaining vacation days, and prepared for the usual hustle and bustle of the holidays. We had a wonderful Christmas this year. I thoroughly enjoyed my time off, and all the dinners and family get togethers. Of course, my husband spoiled me this year, but I didn't mind too much!
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