Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Concert

I went to my first Christmas concert this year at my sister's church. It was a play, intermixed with songs. The church really does quite a job on their productions. The church looks more like a theatre than a church, and has a stage, lighting system, and sound board to rival most play houses. The choir and band were really good, although the songs were 'jazzed' up a little for my liking. I tend to like my Christmas carols somewhat more traditional. I really like the woman who played the harp though. She was great.
The play was well done. It was the story of the Birth of Jesus, with a modern twist to it. Shephards with cell phones, and people with iPads. You know... kind of like the Brady Bunch movie, where the people are set back in the time, but the story takes place in present day. The actors were really good, and it was really quite funny in spots.
The best part of the night though, was being with family and friends. There was a group of us that went, including 8 adults, and 6 kids (although some of the kids were taller than the adults, right D?)

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