Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It's all about numbers for me. I guess that's why I became an accountant. I love numbers. Statistics, and all that boring stuff!

I've closed 1011 tickets at work since Feb 2009. Doesn't sound like a lot, but it is. It works out to over 40 tickets a month. That's around 2 tickets every working day. So really, it is a lot.

I currently have 21 tickets in my queue at work. I really should be working instead of blogging.

The carnations that hubby bought for me 12 days ago, are still here. They are slowly dying, and I did weed out the bad ones. But the remaining 10 still smell nice!

I love my Kobo eReader. You gotta love a device that tells you are 67% through the latest book you are reading!

2 million. That's the amount that we would have to win in the lotto for us to more than comfortably retire right now. I did the math. It sounds like a lot of money... but I included all the bling that goes with winning the lottery. You know... new cars, new house, new toys, etc. etc.

9 hrs, 30 minutes. That's the amount of time that I will have to spend on the ferry this month for work. That only includes ferry sailing time. That does not include waiting at the terminal or unloading and loading time. I wish I didn't have to, but it's the price I pay for a job that allows me to work from home the majority of the time.

On August 2, 2020, I will be 20,000 days old. And unless we win the lottery, I'll probably still be working.

There are 319 days until Christmas.

1 comment:

RV Diva said...

Wonder how you came to like numbers so much...Grandpa and me, maybe???