Monday, September 24, 2012

Hi Ho Hi Ho...

So, my first day back after a week of vacation time. I really didn't want to go to work today. I really need to find a way to retire early.

Meanwhile, while I was gone, my co-workers plastered my office with a photocopied picture of one of them. She was doing a site tour, and had her hard hat on, safety goggles, and a goofy grin. They took a picture, photocopied the picture a whole bunch of times, and put the photocopies all over my office. On my door, taped to my walls, in my drawers, and in my folders, and in my binders. There are 22 of them. I've found 17 so far. They even drew a picture of me, and taped it to the back of my chair. I think it's a good likeness...

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