Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I'm an Accountant, it's what I do...

Yesterday marked the 200th day that I drove into the office to go to work.
That's only the days I've driven to the office. It doesn't count the days that I spent working in Houston. Or the one day I spent working from home. Or any vacation days, or sick days. It is only the days I physically drove to the office.
That's like 400 hours of commuting!! If you average out all the time I spend in the car, it averages to an hour there, and hour back. So, 200 days = 400 hours of driving. That's like 17 days! 17 days of driving 24 hours a day.
It makes me wonder why I'm doing this.
It makes me wonder what benefits I get from working so far from home.
It makes me wonder how I put up with it.

But, more importantly... it makes me wonder why the heck I even keep track of something like this in the first place!!

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