Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thurs catch up

Thurs already? Where does the time go? I haven't blogged all week. But here are a couple of highlights from the last couple of days...

I'm going to Houston again. At the beginning of October. How hot is it in Houston at the beginning of October anyways?

Two 7:00am meetings in one week. I'm tired just thinking about it.

Migraines suck!

Budget season sucks even more!

I miss Grandma. It was one month ago yesterday. *sniff*

Tim Horton's messed up my order this morning! I got sausage in my breakfast sandwich. I ordered bacon! I guess that's what I get for going on Thurs instead of my usual Friday. I messed them up, so they messed me up :-)

I get to play "big girl" tomorrow and do the Financial meeting all on my own. My first time. I'm scared!

1 more day, and then I'm on vacation!! When a co-worker asked me if I was going anywhere, I said, "nope, just staying home". They said, "Well... tourist in your own town. That's a great idea!". It does sound like a great idea, except for one small detail. It's hard to play tourist when you really just want to stay in bed for a week.

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