Wednesday, September 19, 2012

weather woes?

What is it with the weather?
It's the 19th of September. We have been enjoying hot sunny days for weeks now. It does get cool overnight, but the days are climbing up to 78 - 83 degrees!! And, I've been swimming every day of my vacation time so far!
So you might ask, what is wrong with that?
Well, I had planned out getting out the fall decorations, and decorating with fall colours. Oranges, reds, browns and greens... with leaves and pumpkins and pine cones, etc. I had expected rain, and cold weather... the kind that makes you want to pour a big cup of tea, and go putter in the craft room for hours on end. I had expected to lie around on the couch, covered in a big fluffy blanket, and read a book from beginning to end in 2 days.
Instead, I am floating around the pool, still using sunscreen, and still wearing shorts, t-shirts and capris!
I am really enjoying the nice weather, but something just doesn't feel right!

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