Monday, October 1, 2012

Ambition can be fattening!

I got ambitious this weekend.
Do you ever have those lists of things you want to do, but just never find the time to do. Well, this weekend, I wasn't really following a list or anything, but I got a lot of little things accomplished around the house that I have been meaning to get to for a long time now. Such things as cleaning the bathroom fan, cleaning the bathroom drain (it was getting a little clogged up), cleaning the window in my ensuite (that one always seems to get missed when I wash windows!), and so on and so on. Even hubby got into the act and cleaned the gutters, and fixed a drain outside on one of the downspouts.
One of the things on the list was to make this apple studel thing that my mom used to make when we were kids. I remember watching her make it a million times, but have never tried it myself. So, armed with a recipe for sweet dough from the breadmachine recipe book, and a bit of racking of the brain to remember just what to do, here is what I made...
It's a sweet dough (think cinnamon bun), stuffed with apples, cinnamon and sugar. Now, I did call mom just to make sure I was on the right track when I made it. And next time, I think I'll make the 'arms' a little skinnier. But overall, it turned out really good for a first try!! Hubby is sick, and doesn't have an appetite, but he managed to polish off a couple of large slices.
While that was in the oven, I tried a recipe that I found in my Canadian Living magazine last month. The recipe was for a shrimp and pea risotto, but I made the recipe with fettuccine noodles instead. mmmmm!

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