Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's always about the food!

We certainly had some good food this trip! Our first dinner was downstairs in the Empress Room, and was the best dinner we've had in a long time. We've eaten there before, and have not been disappointed! I had the Sable fish...
he had the salmon with carmalized onions on top...
He ordered dessert. I wasn't going to have any, but the waiter had the chef put a little white chocolate Happy Birthday sign, and a candle on the plate, so I just had to have some!! By the way... the desert was officially called "The Valrhona Dark Chocolate Empress-phere" and apparently won some sort of award for their pastry chef.
The next day, we stopped at the Bard and Banker pub for lunch. It was seafood sliders for him...
 and some good ole fashioned seafood chowder for me... soooo good!
For dinner the next night, we decided to eat at the Bengal Lounge at the hotel. The appetizers there were really good, but sadly, the main courses were actually pretty bad. Which surprised me. I didn't expect such good appetizers, and such bad main courses. Oh well... next time, we just order a bunch of appetizers, right? For this time... he had a Pint of Shrimp...
I had crab cakes (what was left of them before I remember to take a picture!) They were really good!
With the exception of the one dinner, the food was excellent this trip!

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