Monday, November 5, 2012


One of the best parts about living in our house, is the close proximity to the nature reserve. As a result, we often see critters, wildlife, or birds in the yard or neighbourhood that aren't very common in other parts of the city.
Take for example, Sunday morning. In less than 1 hour, we found Mr. Salamander in the pool skimmer...
(yes, still alive, and yes, we set him free).
And then watched as Mr. Blue Heron decided to fly around the neighbourhood, sit on someone's roof for awhile, and then go and hang out on the neighbour's back deck for a bit (although the picture was taken from a bit of a distance, so he's a little "foggy" looking)... But his wingspan was huge, so when he flew around, he certainly was noticeable, even if he was 2 houses away.

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