Saturday, November 3, 2012

I don't like spiders and snakes...

I don't like spiders. It's a well known fact that most of my friends, family, and co-workers are well aware of. So, when I saw this book at Chapters the other day...

...well, I just thought to myself... NOPE! Not going to pick it up, not going to read it! Never going to happen. Then I stumbled across a review online...

This book is full of spiders... and top-notch comedy, and creative horror which keeps you on the edge of your seat. I was completely absorbed; read it in two days and then read it again. It's hilarious, enthralling and one of the best books I have read in years (another being the prequel, John Dies at the End). It's already a cult classic. This is Rocky Horror for the next generation. If you pick this book up you will not be able to put it down!

Crap! that sounds good! mmmmmm! Ok, maybe, just maybe, I'll put it on my Christmas Wish List, and let Santa decide if I can handle it or not.

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