Monday, May 7, 2018

Racoon issues, again!

Remember when we had a raccoon nesting in our deck? Well, it happened again. But this time, before I called the "Wildlife Critter" guys, I decided to do what they did when they were here. I put a radio right over top of where they were nesting for about an hour. When that didn't make Momma want to move on, I started spraying the whole area of the deck with Febreeze. Momma raccoon did NOT like that one bit. I remember the Wildlife guy telling me that they like a very clean den. And when he got them to move out the first time, he sprayed the den with this deodorizer so they wouldn't come back. I thought Febreeze would do the same thing.
And it did! It worked. After spraying almost 1/2 a bottle all over the deck, and around the entrance where we think she was getting in, Momma raccoon decided to take her babies out and move them somewhere else. She took the first baby out, and then came back about 1/2 hour later to get the second baby.
Wow -- a $4 bottle of Febreeze sure beats a $400 bill from "Wildlife Critter Care"!

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