Saturday, May 9, 2009


It's my 1 Year Blogging Anniversary!

wow...I can't believe it!
One year and over 270 posts later, and I'm still at it. I've learned a lot. Through comments left on my blog, I've "met" fellow bloggers, and now I follow their lives. I'm not the best writer in the world, or the best photographer. But the main thing is -- I enjoy doing this.
The best part of this for me is the memories. I have a horrible memory. So, it's nice to go back a few months to see what we were up to, and what "little" things were happening in our lives. Sometimes we get so caught up in the big stuff, we forget about the little things. That was why I started remember the little things that caught my eye, or captured my attention, or spoke to me in some way.

Thanks to everyone who stops by. And thanks for leaving your comments. I hope to continue for another year and more!


Pam said...

Sorry I'm a little late, but HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!! I really enjoy your blog and hope you keep at it for a long time to come!

Miss Lady Grey said...

Thanks Pam, for your wonderful comments!