Monday, June 15, 2009

blogging without really saying anything

I've been blogging for just over a year. I started as a way to keep track of things in my life. My "journal in pictures", so to speak. I have to admit....when I started this, I had no idea of the people who would stop by, the number of blogs out there, or the time and effort that people go through to update their blogs. There's comments, and blog awards, and followers, and all kinds of things I had no clue of when I started.

Me? I try to blog every day. I try to keep my posts short, sweet, and simple with lots of pictures (they really do say 1,000 words). I don't include music on my blog (a pet peeve of mine). And my background, just plain and kind of boring (compared to others that I've seen).

Anyways, finding something to post about each day does have its challenges. Seriously, I go through days where the path of my life doesn't deviate much from the following:
Get up. Have shower. Cup of Tea. Work. Breakfast. Work. Blog. Lunch. Work. Talk to friends on phone. Check personal email. Dinner. Household chores. Read book/watch TV/cross-stitch. Go to bed.

Then it dawned on me. I don't really have to come up with ideas for my blogs. There are a ton of ways to find a blog entry to make. Provided you have enough pictures and memories to fill in the spaces. Here, let me show you...there is....

Metamorphis Mondays -- blog about a change you made…either to your blog or to your life or your home. That’s simple!
Musing Mondays – those questions that make you stop and say “hmmm”.
Wordless Wednesdays -- post nothing but pictures. It helps if the pictures have a common theme, but then, who cares…go wild!
Would you rather Wednesdays – post 2 questions. Make them as outrageous as possible. Like “Would you rather eat SPAM for a week, or HOT POCKETS for a month?” Watch for the comments to poor in.
Three Things Thursdays -- post 3 things about any subject you want.
Thankful Thursdays -- post about things you are thankful for.
Tablescapes Thursdays -- your favourite pics of tablescapes (I'm surprised how popular this one was!)
(Thursday seems to be a good day for random blog posts. I guess because everyone is tired by Thursday, the weekend just isn’t quite here yet, and they just would rather do something simple...I know how they feel!!)
Foody Fridays – blog about food! Now, there’s a good one! Mmmm!
Day of the week spelled out: For example: T U E S D A Y – where you post something that begins with a T, then something that begins with a U, etc. Particularly great to do if you have lots of D, A, and Y things to blog about.
Show and Tell Sunday – a picture or two, usually older pics you had lying around, with a funny or amusing story to go with it.

Of course, there are numerous variations of the above (you can always do Two Things Tuesdays, or Show and Tell Saturday), and there are lots of other options out there. A lot of bloggers make up their own. I guess there’s no excuse not to have something to blog about! My advice…if you are in a pickle…blog about the weather. I’ve done that on occasion. Chances are, besides friends and family, the people reading your blog aren’t in your neck of the woods, so when they look out their window, what they see is probably different than what you see.


Pam said...

This is a great post. Like you, I started my blog mostly for myself. Believe it or not, I had never even read another blog before I started mine. And I had no idea about followers, awards, blog design, etc. But, now I'm hooked and spending way more time on this than I ever could have imagined. Who knew?

Miss Lady Grey said...

Well, I try not to spend too much time on blogging. I'm on the computer all day for work, so I try really hard not to login during the weekends. I've discovered "scheduling". If you change the date of your blog post, you can post 2 or 3 entries on one day, and have them scheduled to appear for the next couple of days. (Now my secret is out!). It appears that I'm online each day, but really, I'm in the pool, or have my face in a book. It's my way of staying sane.

Pam said...

I need to force myself into some type of schedule, too. It's just that once I get started I can't stop. Writing posts turns into responding to comments turns into visiting and commenting on blogs I follow, etc etc.