Thursday, June 18, 2009

Strawberry season

Our strawberry plants were doing so well this year. We had a lot of berries just beginning to ripen. Not enough to make jam or anything. But enough to have as snacks in the house for a few weeks. Then the raccoons came. Or the squirrels. Not sure which. But they picked our strawberry plants clean. Even took the green ones. They left a few strawberry carcasses lying in the grass. But, generally devoured all traces of our delicious little berries.
So, today, I decided to go to the local farm at lunchtime, and buy a couple of packs. I ended up buying 3, instead of my usual 2, as they looked so darn fresh and wonderful.

But, now I sit here with buyer's remorse. Yes, they look good. And yes, I need to make more jam. And yes, I need to freeze more of them because we've used up all the ones from last year already. But, darn...I'm going to be cleaning strawberries for hours tonight!!


kel said...

They look so yummy!

Alex the Girl said...

Buyers remorse indeed. About seven or eight years ago I took my girls to South Carolina. We went adventuring and found a strawberry farm. We ate about as much as we picked and our tongues were raw for days. To this day, those were the best strawberries I have ever...EVER tasted. Mmmm.

Pam said...

They do look delicious. It's been raining so much here (pretty much non-stop since April) that our local farm's strawberry crop was ruined. What a bummer.