Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!
Although, we pretty cancelled the festivities this weekend. The closest I got to a turkey dinner was a Swanson Hungry Man dinner on Saturday night.
I'm still sick. Not as bad as before, but still stuffed up, and definitely don't have the energy I usually do. I never did make it to the Doctor...but I'm pretyy sure I don't have H1N1...just a nasty flu bug is all. But, the biggest problem is my back. I'm not able to walk until I take a bunch of Robaxacet first. Then things losen up a bit, and I'm able to get around. I'm going to the chiropractor tomorrow.
Anyways, we decided it was a good weekend to stay home, relax, and do nothing. I only cooked one meal all weekend. And did a bit of laundry. Other than that...nothing. Just tried to relax and take it easy. No visiting with friends or relatives. No turkey dinner. No pumpkin pie. This is probably the first Thanksgiving that I haven't gained weight!

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