Friday, October 9, 2009


I came down with the flu on Tuesday. Sore throat, followed by 14 hours of throwing up, followed by headache, and stuffed up sinuses and coughing. I also threw my back out while I was in the shower yesterday. I'm a mess. But, I think I'm starting to feel better today. Just a little. I'm still going to go to the Doctor today though. I'm curious to know if I have H1N1. And, I think I have developed an allergy or something to Tylenol. Everytime I take something with Tylenol in it, I end up throwing up again. ??? Can someone develop an allergy to a drug after years of taking it?

Anyways, in the last 3 days of this flu-like-drug-induced-haze of mine, I have come across an interesting tid-bit of information...

It is amazing what you will watch on TV when you don't have the energy to reach across the coffee table to pick up the remote control!!

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