Sunday, December 13, 2009


It snowed today. Just enough to cover the ground, and make everything all white and wintery feeling. I'm sitting here listening to the sounds of winter....snow shovels and spinning tires. much for being couch potatoe this weekend. I decided that sore back or no sore back, I had to get some Christmas shopping done. So, I went to the mall on Saturday, and hobbled around all day. I even took off for a bit on Sunday too. I still have a few people to buy for, but they are A's side of the family, so he will help me with that this week, and next weekend. I'm decidedly un-ready for Christmas this year. And with all my back problems, I'm actually not even really looking forward to it. I wish we could postpone things for a month or so. But, I get the distinct impression that Christmas is going to come and go whether I'm ready for it or not.

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