Monday, February 1, 2010

I have Presbyopia!

Presbyopia is a natural occurrence associated with aging in which the normally soft and flexible crystalline lens of the eye hardens and becomes less elastic. This makes the lens less able to focus incoming light from near objects, thereby causing blurred vision at reading distance.
It is not a disease or an illness—it’s a normal, natural part of the aging process, and it happens to just about everyone around the age of 40.

That's from the Bausch & Lomb website. Yup, folks, it's official. I'm old.
Went to the eye guy this weekend, and I've ordered a trial pair of Bausch & Lomb PureVision® Multi-Focal contact lenses. So, I can see. Up close. Which was never really a problem, until a couple of years ago. Now, I can't squint enough to make things clear. And my arms aren't long enough. I've been using reading glasses for the last year....all the time in the last 6 months. I've always hated glasses. That's why I wear contact lenses, and have since I was 16 years old. So, I'm going to give these mult-focal lenses a try. The Eye-Guy (who is actually a girl, but it sounds better to say Eye-Guy, than Eye-Girl), said that it might take some getting used to. But, I'm determined.

My only saving grace, is that hubby needs bi-focal lenses too. So, he's ordered new glasses.
We are both growing old together! (ahhhhhhhh!)

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