Thursday, February 18, 2010

Olympic Update

What is this? Day 8 of the Olympics now? Something like that.
It's been exciting to watch. It's amazing how involved you get when you are the host city. And just how much more the medals mean when they are won on home turf. Especially yesterday. This little French-Canadian girl named Marianne St-Gelais, won a Silver medal in speed-skating. On her 20th birthday! So cool!!
And, we won another Gold medal. This time for Woman's Snowboarding. Yup...first a guy, then a girl won gold on home turf. How perfect is that?
And, of course, both Men's and Woman's hockey have won all their games so far. Tonight, it's men's hockey....Canada vs. Switzerland.

The medal count for Canada now stands at
2 Gold
3 Silver
1 Bronze
6 Total

We are 4th in the standings behind the States, Germany, and France. But we are doing so well!!

Meanwhile, I've been updating my blog list on the side bar to delete some of those blogs that are no longer being updated on a regular basis, and include a few new ones that I've been enjoying reading over the last few weeks. Check it out to see if there is something new for you too.

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