Saturday, February 20, 2010

Olympic Update

I was going to go downtown one day this week to check out all the sites and sounds of the Olympics, and take more pictures. The weather has been absolutely fantastic...sunny and warm, and the buzz around the city is electric. But, now I'm hearing reports of long lines, large crowds, and huge waits....
up to 2 hours to get on to the Skytrain
a 5 to 6 hour wait to get on the Zip Line in Robson square
2 hour wait to get into the Olympic Store at The Bay
2 hour wait to get onto the viewing platform to see the Cauldron
And nevermind trying to find a bathroom!!

Sheesh! With waits like that, I figured I will just stay home. I'm certainly not the most patient person on earth, and while I know that I have to work on that, standing in a 2 hour line up is not my idea of having fun.

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law braved the crowds and lineups and went downtown last week. So, I shamelessly copied these pictures of the Olympic Cauldron from his Facebook page. It was almost as good as being there!

PS -- I was out shopping today, and it's not just downtown that everyone is dressed in red and white, or donning official Olympic gear and red maple leafs. It's everywhere! I'm in a suburb about 20-30 minutes from downtown, and I can't believe the amount of "Canadian" stuff I saw on the shoppers at Safeway!

Oh yeah! Almost forgot...medal count now....
4 Gold, 3 Silver, and 1 Bronze.


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