up to 2 hours to get on to the Skytrain
a 5 to 6 hour wait to get on the Zip Line in Robson square
2 hour wait to get into the Olympic Store at The Bay
2 hour wait to get onto the viewing platform to see the Cauldron
And nevermind trying to find a bathroom!!
Sheesh! With waits like that, I figured I will just stay home. I'm certainly not the most patient person on earth, and while I know that I have to work on that, standing in a 2 hour line up is not my idea of having fun.
My brother-in-law and sister-in-law braved the crowds and lineups and went downtown last week. So, I shamelessly copied these pictures of the Olympic Cauldron from his Facebook page. It was almost as good as being there!

PS -- I was out shopping today, and it's not just downtown that everyone is dressed in red and white, or donning official Olympic gear and red maple leafs. It's everywhere! I'm in a suburb about 20-30 minutes from downtown, and I can't believe the amount of "Canadian" stuff I saw on the shoppers at Safeway!
Oh yeah! Almost forgot...medal count now....
4 Gold, 3 Silver, and 1 Bronze.

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