Friday, May 7, 2010

friends from long ago

I got an email from my brother yesterday. An old high school friend of mine found him on Facebook, and asked him to put her in touch with me. He sent me her email address and contact info. Wow! I haven't seen this woman for 25 years, and here she is wanting to hear from me again. I sat down to compose an email to her. But what do you say?
"How the heck are you? It's been so long!"
After that, my mind went blank.
I'm not on Facebook. I have never really wanted to join, and never really saw the appeal of it at all. I know what it's like, because I have friends and co-workers who are on Facebook. But I have never felt the need to join myself. I'm a very private person. That's why my first name is not on my blog, and I always refer to people by their first initial on my blog, and not their names. There is already too much information floating around cyber-space. I don't want to add to the mess. Besides, I have enough problems keeping in contact with the friends I know I have...never mind the friends I can't remember I know. :-)
Anyways, I finally compiled something to say, and sent her an email. It will be interesting to see where this goes. We were best friends in elementary school, and into high school. Until she moved away around grade 10 or so (I can't really remember). I know our lives have most likely gone in 2 different directions, so I'm curious to see if we have anything in common anymore. Although, I have a tendancy to think that we don't have anything in common. I've changed a lot in 25 years. I'm sure she has too. I'm just not sure we've gone through the same changes.

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