Saturday, May 8, 2010

Where were you 65 years ago?

Today is the 65th anniversary of VE Day. Victory in Europe. The day Hitler's Germany surrendered to the Allies.

I remember a few years ago, sitting around the dinner table, I turned to my Grandma, and said:

Me: "Hey Grandma. Did you know that it's the anniversary of VE Day this week?"
Grandma: "What day?"
Me: "VE Day. You know...when Germany surrendered?"
Grandma: "Oh yes! I remember that now!"
She smiled and continued on..."It was really wonderful. Everyone was partying in the streets. People were dancing. All the men would come up and just start dancing with you. Everyone was so happy. And the party went on until the sun came up. It was a wonderful time."
She smiled again, as her thoughts drifted back to that day.

Can you imagine? What it would have been like to have been there? It's conversations like that that strike home the reality of what my Grandma has been through in her life, and all the things she has seen, and been a part of.

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