Friday, August 17, 2012


It's been a long hard week for me.
Dealing with Grandma's death has not been easy. I was prepared for her to leave, but I don't think I was prepared for the way it happened (suddenly and quickly) or for the fact that I would be there when it happened. I always thought I would get that phone call in the middle of the work day, and not actually be the one who called the others.
I took a couple of days off of work, and worked my ass off for the couple of days that I was in the office. Today I was off, but it's been unseasonably hot for Vancouver this week (temps got up to 92 F today), and I'm used to being in AC 12-14 hours a day, so I've been especially hot and cranky.
I started going through my pictures of Grandma, and pulling out all the good ones. I haven't gone through them all yet, but here are a couple of my favourites...

The memorial service is tomorrow. I don't know why, but I'm not looking forward to it. I'm feeling very anxious about the whole thing. I kind of just wish it was all over and done with, so I could get back to life again. I don't know why I feel that way. Grief is a funny thing.

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