Friday, August 31, 2012

Where were you?

Where were you 15 years ago today?
It was a Sunday morning and I was at a local pub, like I was most Sunday mornings during that time in my life. The local pub had a pool tournament every Sunday morning, and a group of us used to get together, shoot pool, talk, drink, and have fun. In fact, that is where I met my husband. But that is a different story for a different day.

That particular Sunday I was at the pub, and when I walked in, someone mentioned to me that Diana was killed in a car crash. I was totally taken aback. I remember the somber mood in the pub that day. I remember walking down the road to the local Ma and Pop grocery store to pick up a newspaper (which I think I still have somewhere in the house). I remember talking about it with my friends. There was no Twitter, or Facebook then and no-one texted anyone. We talked face to face, or called each other on our cell phones. The mood remained somber the rest of the day, and I remember leaving the pub early that afternoon.

I remember that Mom had let us stay up all night ("camping" in the living room) to watch Diana get married. So, about a week later, when they had her funeral, I again stayed up all night "camped" in my living room to watch. It was a sad time... because I remember that Mother Teresa died around the same time too.

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