Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

I was surfing the internet trying to find some great Halloween pictures that I could post today. Instead, I found a picture of 2 comic book covers. Now... I actually had these two comic books growing up.
When I saw them online, I gasped, and was suddenly transported back a few decades ago. My thoughts turned to a littler version of me, sitting in the back of the blue suburban, driving down the highway with the trailer in tow. Mom and Dad in the front. Sister and little brother on the seat beside me. The cat hanging out on the back of the front bench seat in the truck. And me, sitting there, reading comic books. We had a selection of them, and these were just 2 of them that I remember. I used to take my favourites with me whenever we travelled, so I think I read each one more than a zillion times! Yeah! That was travel before Nintendo DS's, DVDs, iPods, cell phones, and other portable electronic devices!
Happy Halloween everyone!

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