Saturday, March 2, 2013

Too old for this

I'm getting old.
The thought occurred to me the other day when I realized that I don't bounce back so easily after an injury or illness. In fact, I've been on and off the wellness bandwagon for close to 3 months now. Without going into all the gory details of my problems, here is a recap...
In December I had a tooth abscess. One of the most painful experiences of my life.
2 rounds of antibiotics, and some heavy duty painkillers. This from someone who hates to take an aspirin for a headache.
Christmas time, and the antibiotics are finished, but then the plumbing issues started. And I don't mean kitchen plumbing. It's all from the pills.
Kick in a bit if hormonal problems at this time too, just to mix things up a bit.
This goes on for 6 weeks, and I finally decide to go to my doctor.
A few tests, and I end up going on another round of antibiotics.
Then, I have a bad reaction to the pills.
I stop taking the pills, and lie on the couch waiting for the symptoms to stop. This takes 2 days. I wonder what on earth could go wrong next.
I shouldn't have said that.
2 days later, and I'm at work, and my back goes out. Bad. Like it did about 3 years ago.
Stupid me decides to try a different chiropractor when I can't get a hold of mine. Big mistake!
Today, I managed to see MY chiropractor, and got my back put right. But my back muscles are so tense and messed up, I still can't walk.
I've spent more time popping pills, and lying on my couch in the last 3 months than I care to admit to. And I'm tired of it.
Really, this isn't meant to be a "feel sorry for me" blog post. On the contrary. I simply wanted to put this out there so the Universe would know.... Enough already! I'm ready to be healthy. I'm ready to be happy again. I don't want to be the drugged up, frowny person I have been lately.
Ok Universe? You got that? Go pick on someone else for a while, k? I'm getting too old for this shit.

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