Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Summer here?

Wow...look at the weather forecast!

Fabulous! But hot!
I love the warmer weather, but I have to admit...anything over 80 degrees F, and I'm a complete dufus. It seems that my brain goes into heat overload, and I become lazy, clumsy, and forgetful.
I'm usually ok in the office is around 73 degrees right now. But at 3:00 today, it will be in the 80's and I will be useless. (We live in Vancouver, and no we don't have air's not normally needed here....something my girlfriend from Dallas still has a hard time believing! No airconditioning?!? Are you insane?!?....well, no....not insane. Just overheated.)
If you grew up in Vancouver, you will remember that Stanley Park had a bunch of polar bears in their zoo. The pictures you find of this were always of lots of bears running around, and lots of people standing around....
It was never really like that. The polar bears were always too hot, lazy, and looked more like this...
Well, that's exactly how I feel right now. Hot, lazy, and just wanting to flop down somewhere to wait out the heat. Apparently, it's supposed to cool down this weekend a bit....down to "my kind of temps"....around 75 degrees. In the meantime (good news!) I went swimming last night for the first time. That's right folks! Our pool is open!! Yeah!!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Seems I've got a few posts to catch up on. My bad! Anyway, I'm with you when it comes to heat. I don't like it and don't do well in it. I lived in AZ for 14 1/2 years and it was hell. Literally!

BTW, how exciting that you live in Vancouver. That is one place I'd love to see some day.